I just got back from a very wonderful trip to San Juan, Puerto Rico and had to share a few of my photos. We were staying in an apartment in the old city, which is just such a beauuuutiful place. Sun definitely puts everyone in a better mood, and the colourful buildings definitely don't hurt either. Some of the same bright colours seen recently on the runways (and on everyone's nails!) were all over the city; how can you not love it? I, for one, want to live in a house painted that peachy orange colour seen below. I even have a blazer to match!
Just a few minutes from our apartment was Fort San Felipe del Morro, surrounded by a park chock-full of kite flyers of all ages. Some of the kites really were incredible (one with wheels was quite a project to get off the ground) and it was lovely to see whole families flying them together.
We were also lucky enough to have the opportunity to visit Isla Vieques, which is home to some of the most gorgeous beaches I have ever seen. Other than just being delightful, this little stretch of beach also had the pleasure of being the site of my friend's first ever ocean-swimming venture (crazy, huh? she was great!).
All in all, a grand time was had by everyone. Unfortunately, it has made the return to Boston all the more chilly. I can't wait for the warmth to arrive! I bought a couple of tops, two dresses (one is a maxi dress!) and a pair of shoes, which I will definitely share soon. Happy Monday to all!
♥, Azzara