Joan from AMC's Mad Men
This week focusing on Joan's Pen Necklace. I know this pen has been blogged about so. many. times. since she wears it in every episode so we're going to step it up to feature JEWELRY WITH A PURPOSE. If everything that was ornamental and pretty was also able to function as a useful object, I think we'd get a lot farther as a a society. Here are some things I wantwantwant:

Clockwise from top left: Compass necklace at Urban Outfitters: $28, Gold Plate drill bit necklace from $130, Snow globe ring from $6, NYC Subway Metro cuff by Tiffany Burnette at
Brings another meaning to the phrase "make it work."
reminds me of the Project Runway dress yesterday with the napkins. "you can use it to wipe your face after dim sum" haha functional!
Two things!
First, I am glad that someone has validated my wearing Bonne Bell Lip Smackers necklaces from ages 10 - 15. Thanks Amanda. I knew I'd like you.
Secondly, I'd argue that Christina Hendricks herself (not just Joan, dangerously hot as she is) is a style icon herself. Sorry, I'll say it -- I love how she rocks those hips and butt. She ain't no Calista Flockhart. Also, check out the lovely 20's-themed wedding she had with that dorky guy that's been in random movies. The mismatched bridesmaids dresses!
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